1. Hello again, Ralph! Great video and just what I needed!

    I’ve been in a depression for a year and a half. I knew exactly what I needed (peace, quited and some time for myself to reflect), but the woman I was with did not (and still doesn’t) understand why. So I chose to continue my life with her instead of trying to fix myself. I was constantly rising and falling and my partner always expected me to act a certain way, which was mostly when I was high in the clouds with love.

    We recently separated for good (we’ve parted ways many times before), but the mental connection is still there. Many times I felt discomfort in the chest and throat area for no reason just to find out something is not right with my partner. I am still feeling the same way (less frequently now) and I’m dreaming of her as well.

    This has been the most intense relationship I’ve ever had in my life and for years I felt like this is the person for me even when things were bad. Sadly, she’s not that interested in spiritual development and has a lot to learn…the hard way. I’ve been giving a lot more than I was receiving which drained me up. I need to charge up again…

    No matter how hard I tried to make things better for myself and this woman, it wasn’t enough, because it has to come from both partners. She’s the kind of person who wants everything or nothing – always at an extreme, no middle ground. So in the process of pleasing her, I lost my identity. Things got crazy and hysterical on her side last time when things didn’t go her way…

    I’ve been following your channel for a while now and I was interested in your take in this (limited) presentation of my life, mostly on “the one” part. Maybe my inner voice was wrong…

  2. Hey Ralph – What’s the music you have in the background? I really like it – can I get it on iTunes, or is this your creation?

    Sent from my iPhone


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